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Vandalism at Tech

Police: IESB windows likely shot, no leads yet
Wednesday, January 4, 2023
Vandalism at Tech

These ground-floor windows at Louisiana Tech’s Integrated Engineering and Science Building were broken in an apparent act of vandalism early Saturday morning. Tech police believe the windows were shot with a firearm and are investigating. Leader photo by Caleb Daniel

Two windows on the ground floor of the Integrated Engineering and Science Building on Louisiana Tech University campus were destroyed over the weekend in an apparent act of vandalism that university police believe may have been committed by shooting a firearm.

“Based on what we’ve been able to find so far, we feel like that’s what happened,” Assistant Police Chief Bill Davis said Tuesday morning.

The west- side windows, facing Homer Street, were shattered early Saturday morning. No one was injured in the incident.

The Tech Police Department sent out an alert to students and faculty on Sunday asking for information, but Davis said no solid leads have emerged yet.

“We’ve got a couple of tips, but we haven’t gotten anything viable yet,” he said. “We’re hoping somebody will have said something (about the incident) or know something, and a name will come up.”

The $40 million, threestory, 130,000-square-foot building opened in late 2019.

Anyone who may have information relative to this crime or know someone who has exhibited concerning behavior about Tech’s College of Engineering and Science is encouraged to contact the Tech police at 257-4018 and remain anonymous if so desired, or make an anonymous report using the SafeDog app, which is free to students, or share information with a trusted faculty or staff member.
