It’s hard to top a brunch feast spent snacking on treats in the sunshine with loved ones. At the center of your celebration can be a springtime tradition with nearly endless possibilities: eggs.
DEAR HARRIETTE: I am a teacher, and the parent of one of my students is constantly asking me on dates. I know that this is inappropriate, but I’m not exactly sure how to stop it. Nothing has crossed the line to where his advances have been creepy or vulgar.
The number of households with a single person living alone has increased considerably over the last half-century-plus. According to a recent report from the U.S. Census Bureau, there were 37 million one-person households in 2021, representing 28% of all households across the country.
I haven’t run away and joined the circus, but I am nearing the age when a financial safety net admittedly has the allure of the Sirens of Greek mythology.
Ruston resident Mary Laura Hunt, participating in just her third competition, was crowned Miss Louisiana’s Outstanding Teen on April 10, at Brown Auditorium on the campus of the University of Louisiana Monroe.