If Louisiana remains in Phase Two of reopening when the academic year starts next month, Lincoln Parish public school students in grades 6-12 will report to school in person every other day, according to a new comprehensive reopening plan issued Thursday to parents of the school system.
District Judge Jeff Robinson today announced his candidacy for re-election this fall as Division A judge for Lincoln-Union Parish 3rd Judicial District.
Ruston and Lincoln Parish would be under stricter rules aimed at stopping the community spread of COVID-19 if recommendations from the White House were put in place.
It’s been a long time ago, 26 years ago in fact, but I can still remember my first and only visit to Bussey Brake, and I came away anything but impressed.
Let’s face it, there are many times in life one just doesn’t “get” — understand — something that’s going on or what makes some people feel the way they do.