A specialized repair crew is expected to be in Ruston today to help figure out why the city’s Trenton Street substation tripped itself out shortly before noon Thursday.
The Louisiana Legislature is in session after being delayed for several weeks by the coronavirus, and while much debate centers on new legislation related to the virus, lawmakers also remain focused on lowering the state’s sky-high automobile insurance rates.
GRAMBLING — Grambling State University has announced former Miss Cover Girl Alianndra Williams as valedictorian of the Spring 2020 graduating class. Williams earned top honors, with a 4.0 grade point average.
DEAR HARRIETTE: I have a friend who posts on social media regularly. Over the past few months, he has lost about 40 pounds. He works out every day and looks amazing.
Approximately 17 cases that had been set for jury trials in the 3rd Judicial District have been postponed because of the Louisiana Supreme Court’s order suspending trials until June 30 in light of
Lincoln Parish’s upward trend in confirmed cases of the novel coronavirus continues, according to the daily Louisiana Health Department report released late Wednesday afternoon.
The coronavirus outbreak didn’t stop Rustonites from celebrating Cinco de Mayo Tuesday evening, as multiple Mexican restaurants took advantage of the changes to the stay-at-home order to provide ou