During its regular board meeting this week, the Board of Supervisors for the University of Louisiana System approved two important leadership positions for Louisiana Tech University.
For generations gardeners have used the words daffodil, jonquil and Narcissus to describe the same flower type. Both daffodils and jonquils belong to the genus Narcissus (scientific name). Narcissus is a member of the Amarllidaceae Family (amaryllis family).
Parenthood will change you. I have heard countless parents express the joys of watching their child smile, talk, and walk for the very first time. Most can vividly recount how it felt to know they were now responsible for a tiny little baby as they drove home with a new addition.
Editor’s Note: If you have a submission regarding your church’s worship services, you should email the information by 5 p.m. Wednesday to newsroom@rustonleader.com.