The town of Dubach has a message for residents during this upcoming Christmas season: when you’re out grocery shopping for the family gathering, leave a little room in your hearts for the homebound and fixedincome senior citizens in the community.
The holiday shopping season is a profitable period for retailers. So it should come as no surprise to consumers that many stores now begin stocking shelves with Christmas decor and other holiday-related items as early as September, reminding shoppers that the countdown is on until the holidays arrive.
Each year, up to 160,000 older adults living in the United States are hospitalized and as many as 10,000 die due to respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). RSV is a highly contagious virus that spreads through close contact with infected individuals, typically increasing during the fall and peaking in winter.
BATON ROUGE — It’s not often that Louisiana leads the country in any category. But for several years, the state has gone above and beyond in one category: sales tax.