DEAR HARRIETTE: My brother has been really depressed lately and is gaining a lot of weight as a result. I’ve noticed him eating a lot and not exercising at all. It’s been gradual; since last November, he’s been slowly gaining more and more weight.
The first person I thought of when I heard that Prince Philip had died was Elizabeth, a Queen in the greater world but only and always a wife to the man who’d been by her side for longer than I’ve been alive.
Despite the high profile that comes along with it, recent American Idol contestant and Louisiana Tech alumna Alana Sherman said she views her time with the show as another step on the road to her dream, rather than the peak.
Louisiana Tech third baseman Hunter Wells was named the Louisiana Sports Writers Association’s Hitter of the Week following an 11-for-18 weekend at the plate at Rice.
Football has always been a part of Matt Middleton’s life. From watching his father coaching on the sidelines with Don Shows and Scott Stone during West Monroe’s powerhouse heyday to playing for those elite coaches, Middleton has always held a pigskin.