DEAR HARRIETTE: My daughter is pregnant and wants to give up her baby for adoption. I have offered to take custody of the baby and raise it to keep the baby in the family, but my daughter wants to give it to another family because she does not want it in her life -- or mine.
Making children happy became a parenting goal in the early 1970s. The paradox, as everyone with a modicum of commonsense knows, is that the more effort parents put into making a child happy, the more unhappy the child becomes.
The ideas from my most recent column, which examined a concept called tiny habits, are still reverberating in my brain. Now, I’m trying to get them to vibrate enough to coax me into additional actions.
GRAMBLING — Grambling State University’s World Famed Tiger Marching band will be featured in festivities celebrating the inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris. Entitled “We Are One,” the virtual event is the latest addition to the schedule of activities planned by the Presidential Inaugural Committee (PIC).
Four men were arrested Saturday on the campus of Grambling State University Saturday for allegedly possessing marijuana and handguns. None of the men were students at the university.
McDonald Avenue will be closed between Poe Street and Edgewood Street to through traffic from 8 a.m. until 4 p.m. today. This closure is necessary to allow for tree removal.