DEAR HARRIETTE: I am at home with my kids, like everybody is supposed to be. One of the challenges we are having is with the computer.
• April 13 — Lincoln Parish Director of Homeland Security Kip Franklin confirms that two parish residents have died as a result of COVID-19.
Following is a listing of area businesses that have adjusted operations due to the coronavirus “stay-at-home” guidelines.
I don’t like whatever I’m watching on TV to be interrupted by commercials.
Ballparks throughout the parish are empty, and the boys of summer are still looking for a respite from baseball’s current dry spell.
Dorothy Ellis-Leonard was born into the legendary Ellis family to the parents of Houston and Mattie Ellis on May 2, 1945.
DEAR HARRIETTE: My uncle passed away recently -- of old age, thank God. But he lived in my hometown, which is hundreds of miles away.
Editor’s Note: Because of coronavirus, many local churches has temporarily suspended public corporate worship and gone to online, social media and other ways to keep their congregations and the community connected.
The first severe weather of the season could hit Lincoln Parish Easter Sunday morning.
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