Well folks, seems like we only just finished up an election, but soon enough those of us who live in Ruston will be making another pivotal decision for our area.
Ruston citizens might soon have the opportunity, or perhaps even multiple opportunities, to voice their opinions when it comes to alcohol sale and consumption in the city.
Like millions of other husbands and boyfriends across the country, I was surprised last week to find the woman in my life taking a sudden interest in the Thursday Night Football schedule.
Our political forum featuring all 11 candidates for five Lincoln Parish School Board seats went smoothly Tuesday night as would-be board members answered written questions submitted by the public during the initial mixand- mingle portion of the evening.
As I’ve previously pointed out a few times in these columns, over the past couple years the American public and media have started paying attention to the game of chess at the professional level for the first time since the Cold War era.