DEAR HARRIETTE: My husband and I have not been getting along very well for some time now. Recently, I noticed that he changed the password on his cellphone.
Much of the world adjusts their clocks each spring and fall. In the fall, clocks are fixed on standard time, while in the spring they’re moved forward one hour to daylight saving time, or DST.
In the haste to break free from your pandemic routine, you may find your new schedule overwhelming and hectic. And with that, comes the inconvenience of misplacing commonly used items.
DEAR HARRIETTE: I went to an event the other day — for the first time in nearly two years — and I saw some people I know there. One friend posted pictures from the event on social media.
On a road trip to Maryland, I noticed something that tickled my fancy. While going through the mountains of Virginia we actually passed the turnoff before I could get my bearings.
When bright, sunny days offer opportunities to take it outside for a celebration or casual weeknight dinner, take advantage with the fresh flavors of grilled fare.
DEAR HARRIETTE: I introduced two of my closest friends a few months ago. I was absolutely thrilled with how much they liked each other and how well everything was going.
Louisiana Tech University police officers were called to Wyly Tower on the Louisiana Tech campus Wednesday after they received calls about a man lingering in the hallway when staff members began to