DEAR ABBY: I am a gay male. My sister, “Cate,” is in what appears outwardly to be a committed relationship, but I know for a fact it isn’t. Her boyfriend,
Teen members of the Boys and Girls Club of North Louisiana recently toured the New Orleans Saints practice facility and spent time visiting with key members of the team including
DEAR ABBY: My wife, “Libby’s,” dearest friend of 20 years, “Melanie,” has changed her lifestyle. Melanie and her husband have become “swingers.” Now when Libby meets her socially, all Melanie
The 75th anniversary of the invasion of Normandy was June 6. Known as “Operation Overlord,” D-Day did not bring an end to the war in Europe, but it did begin
DEAR ABBY: Just months before our 30th wedding anniversary, my husband told me he doesn’t love me and never wanted to marry me. I am beyond devastated. I feel I
Wednesday George Mack, Jr. June 16 Annie Louise Burkes June 17 Marsha Wright Dade June 22 Nyeshia L. Gurt To have a celebration published call 255-4353
DEAR ABBY: Do you have any advice on how I can make friends with people my own age in my hometown? It’s a small college town. I recently graduated from
The Tiger Men Fellowship teamed with Birthday Fellowship on May 31 to donate both fans and clothing to the Lincoln Parish Christian Community Center. Pictured from left to right on