In response to some complaints from patrons, the Lincoln Parish Library has recently removed several books containing LGBTQ characters or content from the children’s department and made them available by adult request only.
Pictured is construction work going on Wednesday afternoon on the Digital Library and Learning Commons being built on the Grambling State University campus.
Lincoln Parish Treasurer Chris Hyde and Assessor Billy McBride are a bit at odds over what’s causing parish property owners to get their 2020 tax notices at least two weeks late.
At its monthly meeting Tuesday night, the Lincoln Parish School Board reviewed its first tax collection report since its new half-cent sales tax approved by voters in August began being levied.
A Ruston man who was previously arrested for allegedly stalking two women at an apartment complex has been arrested for a second time after reportedly stalking the same women again.
As Lincoln Parish public schools prepare to move grades 7-12 back to an alternating day schedule for a few weeks, school board members were informed Tuesday that the main difficulty the district fa