If it seems like we just went through an early voting period, that’s because we did. But now that the July 11 presidential primary is over and the Aug. 15 referendum on a proposed school sales tax and parish fire district renewal is just a few weeks away, it’s time to early vote again.
I think most homo sapiens do a serviceable job of unbottling our emotions when a special person is terminally ill or going into a battle zone. But some well-intentioned buttinsky is always trying to guilt us into opening up around seemingly healthy acquaintances because — you never know — we may never see them alive again.
In a normal year, we’d be right in the middle of baseball season, kids would be soaking up the last month of summer and some guy that you work with would be trying to set up an office fantasy football league. Admittedly, I’m usually that guy.
Let’s face it, there are many times in life one just doesn’t “get” — understand — something that’s going on or what makes some people feel the way they do.