Grandparents realize that if we had known grandkids were so much fun, we would have had them first. Earlier this month, we attended a birthday party for our oldest grandson, Thomas.
These days, the news is dominated by reporting on the Russian threat to Ukraine, by increasing fatigue with COVID restrictions across the United States and by the continuing rise of inflation.
From the time that I was still being knit together in my mother’s womb with some defective parts God had left over after making my big brother (he made me write that part), I’ve been attending Southern Baptist churches.
Q: Our 11-month-old son has started crying at just about anything he doesn’t understand. In our playgroup, if another child or an adult so much as looks at him the “wrong” way, he melts down.
Even casual baseball fans know that Jackie Robinson became Major League Baseball’s first Black player, that he had a stellar career with the Brooklyn Dodgers that included Rookie of the Year and Most Valuable Player awards.