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Candidate forum video — Lincoln Parish Police Jury Districts 5, 7 & 8

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Candidates running for Lincoln Parish Police Juror in Districts 5, 7 and 8 mingled with constituents and answered their written questions at one of the Ruston Leader's forums Tuesday, Sept. 17 at the Lincoln Parish Library Events Center.

Seated from left to right are District 5 candidates Brandon Milner and Logan Hunt, District 7 candidates Tim Babcock and Matt Pullin, and District 8 candidates Rick Hohlt and Skip Russell.

High volume settings and/or headphones may be needed to clearly hear some candidates.


Beginning times for each question

3:33: Oil and gas is one of the biggest taxpayers in the parish. What have you done, or have you reached out, to see what the oil and gas industry's future plans are for this area?

11:05: The police jury is losing about $1 million in general fund severance tax revenue this year and probably next year. What will you do to address the deficit? '

19:05: What is your plan for repairing roads damaged by the oil and gas industry?

26:40: Parish dumpsites are a major concern for our rural residents. What are your plans to fix this problem? Do you support home trash pickup?

36:35: Should the police jury own commercial property and lease it? Example: the old County Market building.

41:15: What are your thoughts about the police jury's current support for the Lincoln Parish Health Unit?

47:20: Discuss the solution to what some folks perceive as a stray animal problem in Lincoln Parish.

55:10: What will you do for your district that others in office can't or won't do?