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Collaboration truly is key for training

Sunday, September 1, 2024
Collaboration truly is key for training

Imagine a group of people gathered to learn more about domestic violence and issues related to it, such as juvenile justice, sexual assault, and sex trafficking. Members of law enforcement are there, as well as counselors, advocates, educators, clergy members, and survivors.

Speakers invite participation as they share information that sheds light on each of these subject areas. Discussion is animated.

This is the atmosphere of DART’s annual communitywide training event, Collaboration is the Key. Wanda James, DART Legal Advocate and Rural Program Supervisor, has led this project throughout the years, in partnership with a wide variety of state offices, organizations, and individuals. I have attended most of these trainings and have always walked away with new knowledge and awareness.

I will never forget the year that a speaker presented the case of a survivor who was trying to leave her abuser. She had been married for ten years. They had a little boy and a little girl. Her husband worked in construction, and she had a part-time job as a waitress. He controlled the finances, the family activities, and even her hairstyle and clothing choices. Their first real conflict came when he found her diaphragm. He brought it into the kitchen where she was doing the dishes, and cut it up in front of her.

“Your body belongs to me,” he told her, before leaving for work.

The rest of the training asked participants to choose what this survivor could do to get away. In each case, there was an obstacle that made it incredibly hard for her and her children, so she ended up going back. After more than thirty years of working with domestic violence, I learned so much that day.

This year’s Collaboration Is the Key is scheduled for Wednesday, Sept. 11, and is being held at the Lincoln Parish Sheriff’s Office Public Safety Complex. This training is free to registrants, who may sign up via eventbrite. com. A complimentary continental breakfast will be offered, and door prizes will be given out. In partnership with the Louisiana Department of Justice and the Office of the Attorney General, this year’s program is titled Strengthening Law Enforcement’s Response to Domestic Violence. An impressive group of speakers will offer valuable information on a variety of topics.

Bonnie Bonin- McKneely is the domestic violence specialist at the Louisiana Department of Justice, Office of the Attorney General. After 10 years of work with the Department of Corrections working with criminalized battered women, Bonin-McKneely will start the day with a presentation on the Dynamics of Domestic Violence. Next, Beth Ponthier, a leading instructor in Victimology and the Dynamics of Family Violence with years of experience as a trauma educator, will discuss Victim-Centered Trauma Informed Investigations.

Tim Henderson, a former Police Chief and a retired Lieutenant with the Baton Rouge Police Department, has responded to thousands of domestic violence calls in his thirty-plus years of experience as a law enforcement professional. His presentation will cover the topics of Context, Predominant Aggressor Determination, & Sound Decision-Making in law enforcement responses to domestic violence calls.

Brent Plauche, a retired Warden, is described as a cornerstone of the Pointe Coupee Parish Detention Center for nearly 30 years. Plauche will discuss Victim-Centered, Trauma Informed Interviewing by law enforcement officers.

The final speaker of the day will be Lewis Jones, Chief Felony Prosecutor of the 3rd Judicial District Attorney’s Office. Jones has worked closely with DART in the past, prosecuting many domestic violence cases. He will be presenting information on Evidence-Based Prosecution and Report Writing.

Wanda James will offer closing remarks before concluding the training.

Collaboration is the Key has a limit on the number of participants, so if you are seeking top-level training from a variety of expert presenters right here in our own community, at no charge, go to or call DART’s office at 513-9373 for more information.
