Lincoln Parish School Board — August 2019
Related article: LPSB passes revised budget
Regular monthly meeting of the Lincoln Parish School Board. High volume settings on your device or headphones may be needed to comfortably hear some portions.
Go to these times in the video for the following agenda items:
0:40 - Health insurance report
9:43 - Sales tax report & health plan update
10:55 - Personnel report
11:55 - Construction updates
22:43 - Approve policy manual revisions
23:10 - Permission to accept bid on Ruston High School lights and poles
28:37 - Fall school instructional supply allocation
29:12 - Approve change order #2 for STEM Center
35:05 - Revised budget for 2018-19
41:40 - Grant permission to advertise for bids for construction of parking lot at Simsboro School
44:00 - Grant permission to execute Substantial Completion documents for STEM Center
45:20 - Approve a resolution authorizing Superintendent to designate authorized persons on bank account at First Guaranty
49:30 - Superintendent's report