If Pafford Emergency Medical Services becomes the ambulance provider for Lincoln Parish, it will add one advanced life support ambulance to its area fleet, but that ambulance won’t be sitting in the parish waiting just for local calls.
It will be at least Aug. 5 before the committee charged with recommending how to provide ambulance and rescue service for parish residents outside the Ruston city limits resumes its discussions.
On Tuesday the Lincoln Parish Police Jury rejected an offer from the city of Ruston to extend the Ruston Fire Department’s emergency medical and rescue services to the parish through 2023 for $645,604 on a 3-6 vote.
The Lincoln Parish Police Jury’s president and vice president were aware of an offer from the city of Ruston for parishwide ambulance and rescue service for the majority of 2021 but never brought it to the jury for a vote.
The fate of ambulance and rescue services in Lincoln Parish is still up in the air after the police jury on Tuesday rejected an offer from the city of Ruston to extend the Ruston Fire Department’s parishwide coverage through 2023.
The next move in the ongoing question of who’s going to provide ambulance and emergency rescue service to Lincoln Parish residents is now in the hands of the Lincoln Parish Police Jury.
The fall 2022 election cycle, with candidates qualifying this summer, will mark the beginning of Lincoln Parish’s newly modified voter district and precinct layout.
The parish Ambulance Service Committee continues to look at ways to provide — and pay for — emergency medical and rescue service outside the Ruston city limits.