If you spend a lot of time in your back yard, mosquitoes make their presence felt in many areas each summer. These pesky, often hungry insects can carry disease, and their bites can be painful and itchy. Homeowners can try these three techniques to keep mosquitoes out of their backyards.
Marcie Nelson (left), NCLAC’s incoming executive director, visits with new board members Nina Cazenave, Emily Ezell, and Kwenita Lewis-Garner. Not shown is Dr. Danielle Williams. NCLAC held its latest meeting on May 2.
GRAMBLING — Grambling State student- athletes continue to not only perform well on the field, but also in the classroom, as showcased by the NCAA’s Academic Progress Rate, announced by the NCAA earlier this week.
The first day of the LHSAA state outdoor track and field meet featured multiple Lincoln Parish athletes from Class B and 1A schools making the podium and bringing home individual state titles on Thursday in Baton Rouge.
Editor’s Note: The Ruston Daily Leader’s new feature on our Friday Community page shares recipes from ‘The Collection,” a cookbook developed by the Lincoln Parish Museum and Historial Society.
People are living longer, a reality that can be traced to a number of factors, including advancements in medicine and greater dissemination of information regarding preventive health care.