The Lincoln Parish Retired Teachers Association recently hosted its February meeting complete with a Mardi Gras theme and program featuring the Louisiana Retired Teachers Association.
Dear Doctors: My father has diabetes and high blood pressure. Sometimes he fails to follow medical care for these diseases. Now his level of creatinine has reached 2.6 mg/dL, which is very high. He is getting weak and has cramps at night. How do you decrease high creatinine?
A Monroe man who allegedly fired a gun in the back parking lot of a Ruston restaurant now faces a list of charges including weapons violations and simple battery.
Middle school girls from Cedar Creek School recently participated in the 2024 STEMINIST Fest hosted by the SCILS Region 8 LASTEM Center at Louisiana Tech University. The students worked collaboratively to complete engineering design challenges which included designing and building a marble arcade that featured tunnels, twists and trap doors that would allow a marble to move through as slowly as possible.
Julie Holmes knows her way around the kitchen. The awardwinning cook has been mastering recipes that have tempted the taste buds of folks far and wide for years now.