DEAR HARRIETTE: The worst part about death is that it’s permanent. It happens with no warning, and you just don’t know when it’ll happen. Heaven has no visiting hours.
Beginning next week, students in grades 7-12 in Lincoln Parish public schools will return to the alternating A/B schedule used in the first nine weeks of the school year, the district announced Mon
Ahead of the upcoming election on Saturday, Louisiana Secretary of State Kyle Ardoin’s office has announced it will test its electronic election results system at 2 p.m. today.
Louisiana Tech got big offensive outputs from several Bulldogs, led by Kalob Ledoux with a game-high 23 points, in a 91-77 victory over Northwestern State on Sunday afternoon on Karl Malone Court i
Grambling State opened the 2020-21 men’s basketball season out west over the long holiday weekend as the Tigers played games at Grand Canyon State and Arizona.
Henrietta M. Slaton, age 84 of Ruston, LA, passed away November 25, 2020. Graveside services will be held at 2 p.m. on Monday, November 30, 2020, at Longstraw Cemetery in Choudrant, LA.