Most seniors recognize that routine visits to their physicians are an important component of preventive health care. Annual physicals are important for everyone, but they’re especially important for individuals 65 and older who may be more vulnerable to disease and various other health conditions than younger adults.
Lent The forty days and nights of Lent are a time for reflection and anticipation of Easter’s arrival. Fasting, which for many Christians includes skipping meat and animal products each Friday, also is part of the preparation. Individuals who are unaccustomed to going meat-free may need to expand their culinary repertoire to ensure Friday meals continue to be filling and tasty.
Dear Rusty: I have a question regarding my SS benefits. I turned 68 this month and work part time. I earned $ 28,000 last year but will probably gross $ 36,000 to $ 38,000 this year. My husband collects his SS, and he earned $ 25,000 last year.
Obtaining a home loan is not the most modern or pleasant aspect of the homeownership journey. It involves reams of paper, an average 45-day waiting period to see what rate you’ll receive, and according to some industry insiders, too many middlemen collecting unnecessary fees.
Girl Scout Cookie season is underway and once again the Ruston-Lincoln Chamber of Commerce stepped up to help support this group of burgeoning entrepreneurs. Girl Scout Troop 11 was invited to set up a booth inside the facility shared between the chamber and Ruston Lincoln Convention & Visitors Bureau to promote the 2024 cookie sales.