Warm weather beckons people outdoors. However, when the weather gets too hot, prolonged time outdoors can adversely affect overall health. Heat exhaustion and heat stroke pose significant threats to anyone who spends ample time outdoors in hot weather. The Mayo Clinic says symptoms of heat exhaustion include heavy sweating, rapid pulse, dizziness, fatigue, moist skin with goose bumps, muscle cramps, nausea, and headache. When someone suffering any of these symptoms does not immediately move into a cool location, they may develop heatstroke. Heatstroke arises when one’s body temperature climbs to 104 degrees, according to Penn Medicine. A body at this temperature may experience damage to the muscles, heart, kidneys, and brain. Flushed skin, altered mental state and rapid breathing may occur when suffering from heatstroke. A notable symptom of heatstroke is that perspiration stops completely. Rehydration, cooling the body and loosening tight clothes can help prevent serious consequences.