In the past few days, as if we needed a reminder of how CO- VID-19 affects lives, certain events have brought about that same feeling in the pit of my stomach that I recall so vividly back in March of 2020.
Two years ago we watched protesters in Hong Kong as they marched against a Communist mainland country that wanted to bring the democratic, progressive and successful island state to its knees.
Research finds that so-called “sippy cups” — spill-free cups used by most American preschoolers — are linked to speech problems as well as early dental issues.
That Edwin Edwards’ fame might have diminished a bit while he was imprisoned became clear on the day of his third wedding in July 2011 — months after his release and just days shy of his 84th birthday — to a 32-year-old woman.
It appears the COVID-19 pandemic could be a financial boon to Ruston, and not just because of the $8 million the city stands to get from the American Rescue Plan.
Being the person in charge of something large and important is never easy. It’s often a thankless job that serves as a magnet for criticism rather than appreciation.