A Ruston man has been arrested on a 3rd Judicial District Court warrant for three counts of simple burglary before being charged for allegedly possessing methamphetamine.
C. Shawn Sun, assistant professor of civil engineering for Louisiana Tech University, has been selected to receive the 2021 Engineering Faculty Professionalism award by the Louisiana Engineering Foundation (LEF).
Ruston’s Planning and Zoning Commission is sending a recommendation to the Board of Aldermen that, if approved, could inch closer to development a long-talked-about subdivision of Habitat for Humanity houses.
A quarter century ago, it started simply as a hotline within St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church. Today, it has grown into an expansive community cornerstone dedicated to meeting the needs of those within the circumstance of an unplanned pregnancy.
A flurry of sexual assault and abuse allegations involving National Federation of the Blind training centers, including the Rustonbased Louisiana Center for the Blind, have surfaced over the past month.
State Rep. Chris Turner said Wednesday he is not running for the 5th District Congressional seat left open by the death of Congressmanelect Luke Letlow.