Last article focused on poor and underprivileged families living in ghetto slums, whose backs are bent over from disparities in health care, education, housing, and from living in crime infested neighborhoods with high incidents of police brutality.
Customers and staff alike are getting a little holiday lift from a “Santa Dawg” outside Turpin Orthodontics. One of the original bulldogs auctioned off to benefit the Ruston Cultural District, the “Everybody Loves Breakfast” bulldog statue previously stood at Cook Park and now has its home at the entrance of the Ruston orthodontics clinic.
A team of finance students from Louisiana Tech University’s College of Business took home first place honors during the 2022 CFA Society of Mississippi’s Ethics Challenge.
DEAR HARRIETTE: I only work parttime for a small business that is run by two people. I work remotely. I used to work full-time, but parttime made more sense for me and my schedule. Sometimes I think that my bosses forget that I work part-time, based on the amount of work that they give me on a daily basis.
Staff members of PetStar Animal Care in Ruston found a way to give back during the holiday season by volunteering with United Way of Northeast Louisiana’s “To Our Children, With Love” initiative. The team members spent an evening at Victory Baptist Church in Monroe wrapping and sorting gifts for area foster care children as well as writing thank you notes to donors. For others interested in volunteering this Christmas season, visit
There is an area in Louisiana capable of naturally producing habitat amenable to growing big healthy bucks and does. Land along the Mississippi delta is rich in nutrients with plants growing naturally there that are highly nutritious. Deer that feed on such a bountiful buffet tend to grow larger bodies with bucks sporting impressive racks. The northern part of the state, for the most part, consists of rolling red clay hills and pine trees, not the type of habitat where deer can reach their maximum potential.
Seventy- eight years after his death, T. L. James still presides over the men’s parlor in the gleaming white, two-story house that occupies most of the block at 504 North Vienna St. in Ruston.